Thursday 6 February 2014

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This week Trill Magazine has the pleasure of getting an exclusive interview with Trill star Armond Shkupi! The Albanian actor made his film debut in E4's hit urban drama Trill. His rise to fame has been meteoric and we sat down with him to see how he's coping.

Welcome to Trill Magazine Armond, how does it feel to be part of such a successful project in Trill?

Honestly, it's been amazing. I can't describe what an experience it's been and what an honour it is to be part of such a great franchise and story. I don't think anyone could have anticipated how successful Trill was going to be.

Trill was a project that meant a lot to you, why is that?

There are a lot of reasons but mainly because I can relate to my character. I've lived through the kind of situations you see in Trill and lived in rough areas. Life can be really tough and being able to act and show people what I've been through really motivated me.

Was production difficult? We were told that the series was made on a very small budget.

Of course money would have made things a lot easier but that isn't the point. The set was full of motivated and hard working people who worked because they knew Trill was a fantastic project and not for the money. I think the budget has made the series better, it gives it that authentic, urban feel that we wanted.

I must say for a debut actor you did a brilliant job. What was it like acting professionally for the first time?

I was really nervous I have to admit. I'd done some acting before but not like this. It was certainly an experience and I think I'm a much better actor because of it. I'm glad people think that I did a good job, Kyle helped me a lot with my acting which made things a lot easier.

Yes, your co star in Trill was of course Kyle Sondi, how was acting with him?

He honestly made me feel so much more comfortable. He'd only done a bit of acting before too so we were in the same boat so I don't know how he was so good! But he helped me a lot. It was nice working with someone I've known for a very long time, we even did our A level Media project together!

Trill has been so successful, but what's next?

I think season 2 filming is starting soon which should be great and I'm really excited. I don't have anything lined up other than that at the moment but I've had some offers for roles. If the right project comes along I'd be happy to appear, I think I might want to do film soon too. Maybe there will be a Trill film who knows!

We are all certainly looking forward to Series 2. Trill magazine wishes you good luck with filming and even more success.

Thank you it's been an honour to be here talking to you guys.

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